On 28th October 2023, Well Being Shiksha Foundation conducted a Financial Well Being workshop at IMI New Delhi.
The session on 'Financial Well Being: A Gateway of Happiness' was conducted to sensitize IMI students to the fast-changing and dynamic financial market and its impact on investors' financial well-being.
The learned panel members CA NITIN VASHISTA CFO at PHD Chamber of Commerce, CA (PhD) Dr. Eish Taneja CPA(US),FCA, LLB a member of Chartered Accountants Associates deliberated the session on various business valuation models and offered profound insights into the impact of private equity in today's financial world. Mr. Maneesh Srivastava Co-founder and Director of Angel Network at Alphavalue Consulting Pvt, shared his expertise on the intricacies of startup valuations and the role of Private Equity and Venture capitalist. Prof. Deepak Tandon a distinguished faculty member at IMI New Delhi, provided insights into the influence of Bank Nifty and FINNIFTY on the financial markets. Dr. Neelam Tandon Founder and Managing Director of Shiksha Foundation, deliberated her session on the impact of macroeconomic fundamentals on performance of the capital market and she also sensitised IMI students to practice money management and compartmentalise their money to financially ensure their present and future.